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I Gained 10 Lbs Per Year While Undergoing 5 Years Of Tamoxphin. Struggling To Loose Even 1 Lb. Does Anyone Have Any Suggestions?

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Valley Grande, AL

yearly weight gain on tamoxiphin or tamoxiphen.

August 7, 2012
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A MyBCTeam Member

Concerned about potential weight gain, I went on a low carb diet with in the San Francisco Bay Area (Aetna is paying for this) before going on Tamoxifen and lost 25 lbs in less than 3 months. By continuing to restrict carbs / sugar, I have been able to continue to lose weight even while starting Tamoxifen. I am hopeful that I can lose a further 10 lbs and then successfully maintain. I cannot recommend this program enough.

October 9, 2012
A MyBCTeam Member

I gained 30 lbs. on Tamoxifen for 8-1/2 years. It took forever to lose the weight through either Weight Watchers or low carb diet. Exercise, exercise, exercise gets it off. I was given 5 years to live and have survived 26 years. I credit Tamoxifen for that. It's worth taking.

August 10, 2012
A MyBCTeam Member

I too gained a lot (35 pounds in 5 months) during treatment. I have struggled also with getting the weight off (only 10 lbs in 15 months) It is horribly frustrating! Something that has bee helping me in the last few months is eating primarily fruits and vegetables throughout the day with minimum or no breads and proteins at lunch and dinner. It basically amounts to following the literal guidelines of the food pyramid and I am sure you could arrange it any way throughout the day. I definitely feel better when I exercise and even when I have a very difficult workout I seem to have more energy. Keep up the hard work,and Good luck!!

August 10, 2012
A MyBCTeam Member

Bobbi & Texas Teacher, thank you for your responses. I am thankful for the Tamoxifen but do get so discouraged about losing the weight. I excercise daily and eat healthy (most of the time) but it just does not seem to go away as fast as I want it to. I guess I just want a "miracle weight loss pill" LOL. Thank you for sharing your story with us all.

August 10, 2012
A MyBCTeam Member

Power walks, using a stepper, treadmill, stationary bike or even dancing can burn fat but 30 minutes is what is usually required. Also lifting weights, muscle can be had at any age and just having muscle will burn fat. All these things depend on our general health and the ability to do them.

March 2

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