Has Anyone Experienced Little Itchy Bumps Poping Up In Various Places On Your Hands And Fingers?
I experienced this and my doctor advised me to use benedryl or hydrocortisone. Both of these helped me.
Yes I have them now my doctor said skin was very dry use a moisturizer
I had a lot from the steroids...Found that the Eucerin oatmeal for chicken pox helped
Yes, I have an am experiencing this now. My chemo ended in 2020. But Iām finding it happening now. My Dr suggested hydrocortisone.
I have them on my feet just thought it was a foot thingy. Until I noticed it on my chest, they are like micro bumps. They are itchy.
Radiation And New Moles
Has Anyone Experienced Trigger Thumb From Their AI?
This May Sound Strange But Has Anyone Had Trigger Fingers Or Thumb Problems After Chemo And Radiation?