How Public Are You About Your Cancer Diagnosis?
I recently diagnosed and have surgery scheduled for this Friday. Obviously my immediate family (so now extended family) know; my close friends know; and my employees know. But I'm struggling with whether to tell others... Like my regular customers, other friends I don't see often, etc. On the one hand, I hate the pity I see when I tell people. But on the other hand, I want to shout it out on facebook for all women to check themselves because it can happen to anyone. Thoughts?
My husband took pictures every week at chemo and we did a count down on facebook. I stopped for one week (week 6) thinking they are getting tired of hearing about my cancer. I probably had at least 50 comments saying they look forward seeing my picture and don't stop. Some of my tough days I would check for comments and they always boosted me up. It's a great way to spread awareness and plus I wanted all the prayers that I could get. October, so many of my friends changed their profile picture to Breast Cancer Awareness signs. The support was overwhelming.
I know exactly how you feel. However, once I posted it on FB, I found the love and support was a wonderful uplift. It was nice to know how many people actually cared. Infact, I was pleasantly surprised that people I wasn't as close to became a couple of my biggest supporters. I believe we are put on this earth to serve and help one another. Don't deny your friends and others the opportunity to be blessed by blessing you. ~ Just my feelings :-)
I have been very open on FB and the support has been incredible. I don't post frequently because I don't want to overwhelm my friends with the day to day grind of battling cancer. But I do post about the "highlights" and include pictures when they seem appropriate. The outpouring of love and support has been a tremendous help to me.
Hi, I totally understand how you feel. However to me it is not pity that friends/family/extended family/co-workers feel or think, it is more love and support that all want to provide to you. And, that in itself is worth more than anything anyone could ever buy. It gives you the power and strength to overcome an illness with a positive attitude. Your friends, family etc are there to support you not feel pity. Support is so important; knowing that folks are there to help you to go with you to appointments gives you a sense of love and SUPPORT. We fight this disease with the support and love from all who are close to us and care about us and with a very positive attitude. Remember it is not pity they feel it is love and support for a person they dealy like and love. I hope this helps you.
I'm open about it. Its amazing how many BC friends you can meet and it is certainly nothing to be ashamed of. I didn't have reconstruction and often notice people looking at my noobs (no boob), but I used to notice people looking at the DDs more. I don't treat it any different than any other part of my life. It is relevant to the conversation I talk about it. I think if you keep it a secret you miss opportunities either for support for you or for you to support someone else. Well, those are me thoughts. Good question!
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