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What Are Expanders?

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
San Ramon, Pleasanton, Dublin, CA

I see a lot of comments about issues with expanders.
What are they? Please give details.
How do you know to get them or not?
What are other alternatives?
Will I only find out about this when a surgery date is booked?
Thanks, Judy

April 16, 2013
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A MyBCTeam Member

Typically you get expanders during the original cancer removal surgery. You can't get them during chemo. The expander creates a space for your new chest. Once you have radiation it hardens the skin which is why they are good. However, keep in mind you can't get MRIs. If you have a suspected second cancer as I did you can't get the scan. They gave me another test but I waited 2 months wondering if I was stage IV until they figured it out. They are other way to reconstruct without expanders but it all depend on your body type. I don't have enough padding to spare in my tummy so that's why I need it. See a really good plastic surgeon so know what you need.

April 17, 2013
A MyBCTeam Member

Sorry, that posted too soon and too often (Not sure how/why it posted twice).

As I was saying, your foobs will never be the same as your original boobs. They will never feel the same. They will never look the same. But, personally, I'm OK with that trade. I understood the cost when I started treatment. And it's not always easy... but if I live another 20 years, it was totally worth it.

Good luck and ask lots of questions if you need to.

April 16, 2013
A MyBCTeam Member

To answer some of your questions:

Expanders are used during reconstruction, but (from what I can tell) really only used during reconstruction that involves implants.

To give a little further background, there are several different kinds of reconstruction surgery. But they can be broken down into 2 basic groups:

1. Implants are used to reconstruct the breast
2. The reconstructed breast is made out of the patients own flesh (usually from the tummy).

Lots of women get #1. That's what I got, so I'm most comfortable discussing the details of that. #2 is another great option that many women opt for, however not all doctors feel comfortable doing it. So you'd want to discuss these options with your doctor and determine what is best for you.

Again, from my experience of talking with other survivors, expanders are generally only used when looking at implants. So they remove all your breast tissue (which generally includes your nipple) so you are left with less skin than you had before the surgery. In order to make enough skin to have the reconstructed breast sit properly and have a "pocket" (aka fold underneath), they need to place an expander. As one person said previously, it's kind of like an empty implant that they inflate with saline over time. So you go back every 1-2 weeks for a "fill" where they poke a needle in and add saline.

When you arrive at your desired size, you have another surgery that replaces the expander with the permanent implant.

If you're curious about what exactly we are all talking about, I might suggest looking at this YouTube channel. Yes, it's a little strange to look at youtube for reconstruction details, but this woman does a great job of documenting her experience with reconstruction. I've only watched the ones pertaining to expanders and implants, but it looks like she just did an update about getting DIEP (which is using her own tissue).

I hope this helps with the confusion.

For the record, I did not like my expanders, but it was a temporary situation that was "fixed" when I got my implants. Your foobs (fake boobs) will never be the same as yo

April 16, 2013
A MyBCTeam Member

If you are having reconstruction you may need depends on your current size, what size you would like to be when all is said and done, and what type of reconstruction you and your plastic surgeon decide on. They "expand"(are filled with saline) over time to stretch out the muscles and tissue to make room for implants etc.

April 16, 2013
A MyBCTeam Member

They go behind the chest muscle - the muscle will spasm from time yo time like a Charlie horse - even after exchanged with implant and 4 years later, mine still does this.

April 16, 2013

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