I Had My Expanders Implanted 2.5 Weeks Ago. The Filling Begins This Week. Can Anyone Tell Me If This Was Painful For You?
To ease the discomfort, I would stand under a warm-hot shower for quite awhile and just let the warm water run over them. It relaxed the muscles and was VERY soothing.
I must really be a wimp because that process was the most painful thing I went thru. It wasn't the needle but afterwards. I was so full....I couldn't breath...move my arms....move in general. I was going every week but after breaking down in the PS office prior to a fill he decided we better fill every other week. I wish I would have stuck with it longer and had them filled alittle more but I just couldn't handle it. The inplants have been so much better but I'm still not happy with them but I'm thankful I have something to fill out my shirts.
I have had expanders in since June. They have been very uncomfortable to me. I found the more saline filled the more painful and hard the expanders and surrounding tissue has become. My implant exchange will be done in a few weeks. I can't wait for this process to be done.
I had a different experience than most as my plastic surgeon injected Botox into my chest muscle which paralyzed the muscle. He also prescribed Valium for the spasm caused by the fillings but my fillings went quicker. My bilat. mastectomy and immediate reconstruction was on 8/31/2011. I had two complications that needed surgery and I still had my exchange surgery on 12/7/2011. Ask for muscle relaxant such as Valium to help with the spasms afterwards.
Couldn't feel the needle as I was completely numb, but the first fill was the most painful thing I had ever experienced. My chest my back my whole upper body was in pain for about 30-36 hrs after, that was with 60 cc. Next time I took a percocet about an hour before the appt and another when i got home, even had a heating pad for my back so much better that time. Ended up with 400 cc in about 9 weeks. Nov 19th get permanent implants going with 550cc...so ready for these rocks to be removed.
Implant Surgery
To Women Who Have Tissue Expander Implants...
I Had My First Consultation For Reconstruction, Bilateral, They Recommend Doing Expanders With Implants, How Painful Is This?