Is Skin Necrosis Expected/normal?
I am 3 weeks out after mastectomy (with implant) and have quite a bit of skin necrosis and the area seems to be getting larger. I saw PS 2 days ago and he did not seem concerned (he said next week he may need to debride the area) - has anyone experienced this or should I call him to make another appointment?
I experienced quite a bit of skin necrosis after the expanders were placed during my bmx. We gave it quite a bit of time to heal and when it didn't we progressed to a burn creme that was supposed to help the skin heal. We did this for a number of weeks only to have the skin die and become hard like leather. After surgery to remove the expanders and the dead skin I finally began to heal. We don't know why the skin wouldn't heal. If the area is enlarging I would give them a call....once its dies, its gone. Better to get it looked at, in my opinion.
My PS warned me that the necrosis could happen and he watched me ver carefully. Fortunately it didn't happen, but I did get an infection that resulted in my left expander being removed.
My sister had this when she had her prophylactic BMX. It was many years ago but she had it for a pretty long time (weeks ) . Seems like he gave her some cream to put on it. If he is watching it, it should be ok, just may take a little while to heal.
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