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A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pittsfield, MA

I am a year post chemo and have no eyebrows, eyelashes, axillary or pubic hair. Has anyone has hair regrowth after a year? #tiredof looking like a freak!!!!

July 21, 2014
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A MyBCTeam Member

I was on high dose chemo as well (AC&T) and found that my head hair grew back after a year, my eyebrows grew back somewhat after about 18 months (same with pubic), but my axillary hair has yet to grow back (on right side). The axillary hair probably never will for me since it got rads also. Hang in there, you could always look at TLC's website and get the eyebrow stencils, fake eyelashes, and a wig. If you don't have funds check with your local American Cancer Society. Sometimes folks (like me) donate their wigs to them after their hair grows back in and they give them away.

July 22, 2014
A MyBCTeam Member

It took awhile for my hair to grow back, but I am almost two years done with chemo and I now have almost everything back. I still have no hair under the arms but I'm not complaining. I lost everything too! Just give it some time. It the waiting that's the hardest. Keeping you in my prayers.

July 22, 2014
A MyBCTeam Member

I had my last chemo in January 2008 (Adriamycin, Cytoxin and Taxotere). Lost ALL my hair...everywhere. I used to have very thick, curly came back with NO color (white - hence the redhead) and straight! Doesn't hold a curl much. I'm getting used to it now, but took a while. My eyebrows used to be very dark and now are very sparse..I have a bald spot on one side. Lashes are getting better. Body hair is about 25% of what it used to be...which is fine by me. All in all, it all comes back eventually. And the up side? We're still here to talk about it! :D

November 4, 2014
A MyBCTeam Member

I am 2 years after chemo and my eyebrows and lashes are partially back. Hair is thin still. I'm on Tamoxifen so that may cause the thinning hair. But I highly recommend Rapidlash ($50 for two tubes at Costco). It does work! You can use it on brows too. My brows did come back (,not completely yet) but more than it was and my lashes got longer. For hair rogaine for women works too. I'm also on biotin (vitamins) which helps hair growth. You have to keep using the products though. I found if I stop then my lashes and hair would thin again.

October 30, 2014
A MyBCTeam Member

I started taking prenatal vitamins and it seemed to help with my hair growth, so it's nothing like before.

August 4, 2014

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