Back To Work & Oncotest Dx
I had a bilateral mastectomy 10-15-14, doctor said I could go back to work Monday 11-10. I have a desk job, but I don't know how I feel about going back to work just yet. What are your thoughts???
Doctor mentioned this test, I will speak to the oncologist on Friday, this is my first appt with her since my surgery. They said I was in the gray area about chemo. This is a new breast cancer. First time 14.5 yrs ago different type. Anyone thoughts on the oncotest?
They charged my insurance co close to $5000 but got about $3600 for it. I only had a small co-pay; I am blessed to have excellent insurance. It is expensive. But remember all the years of expensive research that goes into development of these tests/treatments/meds. Just get what you need done...your recovery is your only priority now.
@A MyBCTeam Member. If you are having side effects from the pills, try changing the time of day you take it. It's such a simple thing, but for me, it made a big difference. I take it at bedtime now. I had to chuckle at your comment about the little pill. Just last night I showed my husband my Arimidex and said almost the exact thing.
After my bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction I took 3 months to recover. Not because of pain but because anesthesia sucked my energy level. I would recommend getting the oncotype testing done. If your breast cancer was fueled by your female hormone this test will determine if you need chemotherapy. If the result of the oncotype is a low number - NO CHEMOTHERAPY. After hearing from friends who have had chemo and the lifetime disabilities they now have to endure. If you don't need chemo why go down that road.
My first oncologist told me I would be doing chemo. She never mentioned the oncotype dx test. I read about it and asked about it. Thank God I did. My score was 9 and it would have caused me more harm than good. I recommend the test if you qualify.
Do it. It will help you and the oncologist decide if you should go with chemo or not.
The Type Of Cancer I Had Was Estrogen Fed,i Was Diag N 2010,still Struggl Is Ther Smthng I Can Do,what Has Worked For Others?
To Have TC Or Not...I'm Faced With A Difficult Decision...and Are There Long Term Side Effects To TC?
1mm Microinvasion ER/PR Neg, HER2+ And Some Isolated Tumor Cells In One Lymph Node. Anyone Similar? What Type Of Treatment?