Has Anyone's Projected Cancer Size,,(MAMMO.,MRI,SONO,biopsy) Been Smaller,or Bigger After Surgery?
Yes! Originally diagnosed with 1cm tumor and it was 2cm. And in my lymph nodes so I went from stage 1 to stage 2b
My breast surgeon anticipated the tumor to be 2 1/2 cm and it ended up being 3 cm so his guess wasn't too far off of the mark. He was very careful before my surgery about giving me too much information regarding the stage, etc. I think that really helped me not get too worked up in anticipating the worse. BC can be very scary as you know. I'm sending your lots of positive thoughts are prayers that you find peace in your journey!
I think there will always be a difference in measurements. I know the size of the tumor and other circumstances changed after my bilateral mastectomy. Initially I was stage 1, but after surgery the pathology came back that I was Stage 2a.
Mine was behind scar tissue from multiple cysts removal 34 years earlier. So that could be partly why there was a discrepancy. I also didn't have an mri. My surgeon said she had never seen so much scar tissue.
Mine were very close also.
Mammo Failed To Find My Cancer In My Dense Tissue. Ultrasound Found It And Thus May Have Saved My Life. Anyone Had The Same Experience?
Breast Indentation