Muscle Spasms In Eyes And Ears Anyone?
Anyone get eye twitching with treatment? Her+ Est+ Per- carbo taxo and Herceptin were my chemos. I finished end of July and still twitching at end of day especially when fatigued.
Yes I had eye twitches and it did last after chemo for a while and now it is completely gone. Hang in there!
Yes I do. Been off chemo 6 weeks now and I still have twitches and gooey eyes. It is getting better though. I got Systane drops for my eyes and it helped. It is otc. I was on TCHP. Nurse said taxotere was probably the cause. Hang in there and hope it gets better for you too.
Yes, started chemo 3 weeks ago and get eye twitches all the time. :-(
Yes.....eye twitches here too. Sometimes really bad and sometimes not at all. On taxo and herceptin also....
my eyes don't twitch now..9 mos after chemo. God what else can happen? Guess it can kill some people. My sisterinlaw died after her first chemo.
Dont know all the circumstances.
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