How Did Your Hair Loss Start?
Those of you that lost your hair after chemo, how did it start? I've had one treatment and already my hair feels and looks dead, my scalp is itchy and sore too. Does it then come out in clumps or just thin gradually?
I want to add if u wash your hair every 3rd day in cold water that helps a lot it did me.
You've got this! Hugs to you!
1 week after my 2nd treatment I had 6 braids and each braid peeled off my head lik a banana
My hair came out the next morning after my first tx. I woke up to some on my pillow and put my hand in my hair and pulled out a handful. I think it really depends on the chemo
Mine started "down south" after about a week. Then, my scalp hair started to thin around 12 days, Got it buzzed at two weeks. Then, my scalp started to get sore, and the hair became loose and "needed" to be pulled out to make it feel better. I used tape wrapped around my hand to make a hair lint roller kind of to get it out, then it felt better once I got it all out. Totally bald by week 4. Once it's all gone, it just seems better, and mine was long - past my bra strap. I miss my hair for sure, but it's nice not having to deal with it during treatment. No wig for me, I rock it bald unless my head gets cold, I have lots of caps and hats. Good luck!
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