Is Tamoxifen Making Your Lymphedema Worse?
It's making my arm swell and ache like crazy. I haven't had any issues for almost six months and now it's driving me nuts!
I opted not to take tamoxifen for the fear of the side effects. Yeah my oncologist didn't like it but it's my choice. I haven't filled the script. I decided that I would treat and stay on a Maintenance program with cannibas oil instead. It's natural and curing all sorts of things cancer included. So far so good. :). God bless you!! I hope you get it all figured out!!
Tamoxifen made everything worse for me I had to be taken off of it and glad I was .
Keep an eye on do not want to get cellulitis. If it get's red, go to the doctor asap.
I'm sorry hope you feel better.
I'm taking Anaztrozole. Sorry I can't help you.
Talk to your Oncologist and let him know your concerns. God Bless .
Taking tomoxifen, no lymphedema. Hope you're doing better soon.
Does Anyone Have Truncal Lymphedemia.
What's The Deal With Lymphedema?
Sound Off…. How Many On Here Have Had Cording And Then Developed Any Kind Of Lymphedema After That?