Is It Normal For Your Oncologist Not Do Do Any Kind Of Scans. The Only Scan At Was A PET At The Time Of My Surgery. Nothing Else Since Then
pet scans are harmful not done unless needed. I didn't have another for 4 years when I found a lump. They will not do one until needed insurance will not pay for it unless needed. Just move on and try not to think about it just enjoy your life
I'm not sure! I had one about 6 months ago and I'm having one tomorrow! I guess it just depends on the doctor.
I was diagnosed with triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma stage 2a. No lymp node involvement. I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I finished all treatment Oct 2015. I never had a PET scan or blood work for cancer markers. I tested negative for BRCA 1& 2. I wonder why I never had a PET scan too. I did have a bone scan twice. My onc didn't think it was necessary for a PET scan. I would like one anyway. I see her in March I think I will ask.
I had a pet scan and had no problems several months ago. I'm having another one Friday. Doctor just wants to make sure cancer hasn't moved somewhere else. I also had bone scan. That's how I found out about osteoporosis. Everyone is different.
I am sure it will ,my lung was burnt from radiation
Having Red Plug Get Affected To Your Breast Size?
PET Scan Before Surgery Which Would Show All FDG Avid Cancer Cells?
If You Have Only A Yearly Mammogram, How Would You Know If Your BC Comes Back Somewhere Else? Just Curious!