Multiple Sclerosis
I was diagnosed with MS shortly after completing treatment. I am now on exemestane and its seems to exacerbate the MS. Anyone else having this experience? I did not like tamoxifen and wondering if Ais are making the MS worse.
I would think so. When I took the Tamoxifen, horrible , Exmestane had me so swollen and severe joint pain that I could not bare. I am now on Anastrozle , slightly better, but unfortunatley we will have to be subjected to some side effects. :-(
@ SaharNammari: Not sure if this will help, but there is also a "" that might provided another good resource for this question.
Get off of that drug! I told my oncologist I will Never take another drug after 24 chemotherapy treatments and 36 radiation treatments! I will be cancer free without that drug! Good luck and I am so sorry for the development of MS.
Oh my> Diagnosed with MS in 2011. Diagnosed with BC this February. To start chemo in next week. This sounds like a very bumpy road!!!
I don't have any answers though I will keep you in my prayers.
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