Just Curious To See What Date Everyone Uses As There Survivor Date!
Just curious to see what date everyone uses as their "Survivor" date?
I actually use 2 dates, the date of surgery, as the cancer was removed. And the date of my last radiation treatment. I like to celebrate twice, because I can.
I too, have been pondering that. I imagine it is different for everyone. I just finished a year of Herceptin. For right now, I see myself celebrating all the milestone dates, but I think I will use my DX date as the big one!
For me, With a DX date of 12-30-14, I am still grasping the use of those words Survivor and survivorship. It just doesn't seem real yet . The past 14 months have taught me so much. I actually don't look back at them with disguist or bad memories. I was fighting and it felt good!! I originally thought I would always see myself as fighting ( read my story), but now I am thinking that is somewhat of an exhausting thought and maybe not all that positive of a thought. I guess survivorship is more positive. Hmmm..
Thanks for giving me something to ponder on!
Hugs, Roxanns
My doctor said it is when you finish your last treatment. I had surgery, 8 rounds of chemo and then 30 days of radiation. So my date is my last radiation treatment.
I don't use a date I had stage 3 bc in 2 of my lymph nodes 21years ago I say everyday I'm a survivor.
I used the date of my first follow up visit with mammos and I got the all clear. The all clear date is my survival date.
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