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Lumpectomy Vs Matectomy.

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Mastic Beach, NY

I have stage 2 IDC and I just finished 2nd round of 6 chemos, then surgery and radiation. I want a Lumpectomy bc I do not want to lose my breasts. I would like to hear from women that have had good results from lumpectomy and are Happy with their choice. I get too many people telling me just take them off!! My doctor basically says it is my decision but to weigh the pros and cons , I have a client that had lumpectomy and radiation 16 years ago and has been fine. I feel like too many women are… read more

July 30, 2016
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A MyBCTeam Member

@A MyBCTeam Member, I had a lumpectomy in August 2014, I chose lumpectomy because My tumor was approximately the size of marble., (small). I chose this option because after talking with the doctors, I was confident that with radiation, it was the same result is a mastectomy. Easier surgery, less doctors appointments. I did 4 rounds of chemo, 33 radiation treatments.

Regardless of you decision, there will always be days when you will second guess yourself. Personally, I looked at as if the lumpectomy didn't work, then I had another option. Hope this helps, stay positive!!!!!!

July 31, 2016
A MyBCTeam Member

I had a lumpectomy 1-16-15.

I was told by my surgeon that my chance of reoccurance with Lumpectomy and radiation was was the same as masectomy only.

I was also told that because of my larger breasts and the size of my tumor (Aprox 2 cm) I was a good candidate for lumpectomy because there would be little notice of a change in my breast after the surgery.

My tumor was on the right side of my right breast, at about the 9:00 position. I do have a bit of a dimple there, but it is not noticeable when I am dressed. I don't feel uneven, except maybe for a bit of swelling sometimes on the surgery side.

I always sensed ( and still do) that because I am her2 +, that my Oncologist would have preferred I had a Masectomy. However, she agreed that statistically my outcome would be the same with either choice.

Am I comfortable with my choice ? Yes! Please know, however, that you WILL run into many people who feel they have the right to tell you "'if it was me, I could never be comfortable with just a lumpectomy". Much like when we have a baby and get unsolicitated advice, you will get the same with your lumpectomy choice. For some reason, I get the sense that those choosing masectomy are bigger cheerleaders and so what is written on blogs, etc. tends to be about those woman cheering that it is the best and only choice. And guess what? They get to do that!

I encourage you to ask yourself the question, " if my cancer returns or spreads,,will I still be able to comfortable with my decision to choose lumpectomy?" We all have different comfort levels . I decided at the beginning of this journey, with the support of my husband that there would be no second guessing any of our decisions along the way. True , we could reevaluate, and maybe change some things along the way, but there would never be the thought of " I should have". No regrets. My decisions were based on the information I had and my gut feelings at the time.

I made the right decision for me.

Feel free to contact me via email if you have further, more specific questions.
Hugs, Roxanne
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July 30, 2016 (edited)
A MyBCTeam Member

Oncoplastic surgery is a treatment that integrates partial mastectomy with plastic surgery technique. Look for breast surgical oncologist, General surgeon will do a good job of taking everything out and have a plastic surgeon put tissue expander and get ready for implants. I think if you have a larger breast you might be a good Candide to keep your own breast. I was told because my cancer is multi center meaning more than one location although very small I had to have a total mastectomy. But oncoplastic surgeon thinks otherwise. I will have another ultrasound tomorrow and see doctor on Friday.

September 14, 2016
A MyBCTeam Member

I chose a lumpectomy. My doctor said the research showed that the results were the same as a mastectomy. I also felt that I would start treatment faster with a lumpectomy because healing time is faster.

August 21, 2016
A MyBCTeam Member

I had a lumpectomy three years ago. So far so good.

August 18, 2016

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Panama City Beach, FL

Can Anyone Point Me To Resources That Share Benefits Of Mastectomy Vs Lumpectomy For TNBC? πŸ™πŸΌ

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San Diego, CA

Can Anyone Point Me To Resources That Share Benefits Of Mastectomy Vs Lumpectomy For TNBC? πŸ™πŸΌ

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
San Diego, CA
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