Have Anyone Had Experience With "cording"? If So How Did You Treat It?
I just had my 3 year anniversary and of course I found this cord like thing under my armpit (on my cancer side no doubt). I had a double mastectomy and recon. Naturally I freaked out but then realized it feels like a tight string connected to my shoulder. Thanks for any suggestions
I had capsulation and my plastic surgeon referred me to a lymphedema certified physical therapist.
I feel it every now and again under arm pit down inside of arm I just try and stretch it out and having a warm shower helps me.
Just finished therapy for cording armpit to almost my wrist. It was tight and you could see it through my pale skin. She massaged it and used a machine with suction and vibration. I even broke one and it formed a lump. She worked that out too. Keep stretching.
A PT found cording and stretched it out. It went away right away.
Had it right after mastectomy. Messaged the area. Felt good to to that in shower with warm water running over it. Also in shower did wall crawl excercises,(arms above head, fingers on wall in front of me, moving fingers up wall to stretch). Cording was gone within a month.
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