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Has Anyone Had To Have A Hysterectomy How Did Yofeel After? My Doctor Is Advising Me To Get The Surgery. I'm Scared!!!

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
New York, NY
February 28, 2017
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A MyBCTeam Member

Thank you so much for the honest information. I do have a lot to consider. Fortunately I already have 5 kids and 3 grandkids and another one on the way. I will talk to my husband and doctors and make the right decision. Thank you so muchπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

March 6, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

The ovarian cancer was already there before I had it taken out. That's how they found it. My daughter who is also BRACA 1 positive, had the same surgery to prevent ovarian cancer. They did hers laparoscopically which is much easier recovery. She had severe hot flashes and mood swings within a week, so her Dr gave her Effexor which took care of the problem. You will experience vaginal dryness which makes sex painful, but I used Astro-Glide, a very slick lubricant which helps tremendously. I tried several others first but they caused burning. Your sex drive will not be what it was, but does improve with time. If you truly love your man, you will enjoy pleasing him. He needs to understand that things will change some, but if he truly loves you, he will be more concerned with saving your life than with perfect sex. It's a hard decision to make, sweet friend, but life is so very precious, we must do all we can to preserve it. God will help you both if you call on His name and trust Him to get you through. I will pray for you to make the best decision for you. You have time to have a baby, maybe two. They are surely worth the risk of waiting. You have much to pray about, my friend, and I'm praying with you. God bless youπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

March 6, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

I made the personal choice for total hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy (ovaries) because I had a long history of uterine fibroids. Also the Tamoxifen also carries a 6% probability of causing uterine cancer. After everything I have gone through with breast cancer; my mission was to lower my probability of recurrence even more. My gynecologist was empathy of why I wanted it and she agreed. I'm single and don't plan of any more relationships with men because I prefer my independence. There is vaginal dryness which can cause sex to be painful. Married women will need to make their decision accordingly. There are vaginal moisturizer creams otc that can help with this issue.

March 5, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

I've heard so many different things. I'm getting a second opinion.

March 2, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

I wonder the same thing ! Have heard it's. It that bad!

March 1, 2017

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Vancouver, BC
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