Did Radiation After Chemo Worsen The Neuropathy In Your Feet?
I just had my first radiation treatment yesterday and noticed that my neuropathy in my foot felt worse after the rads. Did that happen to anyone else?
It might just be a coincidence and timing.
Also, are you on hormone blockers or aramotese inhibitors? They could possibly cause existing neuropathy to be more bothersome or noticeable.
I would say my neuropathy in my toes and fingers became more noticeable after chemo and thus during radiation. Moving is important . Something as simple as wiggling your toes and fingers.
Hang in it should get better with time. I had bought 5 different pairs of shoes so I could change when feet got painful. Found barefoot or soft slippers worked best when I can get away with it.
I take gabapentin also known as Neurontin for the neuropathy without it I would be lost I did try acupuncture but it didn't work for me
I don't think the radiation increased the neuropathy. I think the chemo started it and the femara keeps it at pretty much the same discomfort level.
yes I am 2 yrs from chemo and I still have neuropathy in my feet. I took glutamine and also the b vitamins but didn't notice a lot of improvement. About a month ago I started acupuncture and now I am seeing a lot of improvement. I read about it helping on breast cancer.org so I thought I would try it. I always complained about it to my onc. but after doing this I am a lot better. This has been my experience.
For Those Of Your With Neuropathy After Chemo, Did Any Of Your ONC Or Primary Doctors Suggest And EMG To Further Diagnose And Evaluate It?
Hand Neuropathy
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