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A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Towson, MD

Has anyone stopped radiation before completing their 30+ treatments? I've had 20 of 33 and now have pluersy. I just don't want to do it anymore.


June 5, 2017
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A MyBCTeam Member

I agree as well you are doing the right thing talking to your to before continuing. I had a severe allergic reaction to the taxol after the first one we all agreed no more but it did feel strange not completing treatment. I do everything I can to prevent reoccurance I'm not going to spend the rest of my life worrying about it yes the thoughts will always be there but we have to do what's best for ourselves

June 5, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

I had 33 rounds of radiation and except for being tired I breezed through it which was very surprising since I am so fair skinned. At first I didn' want to do it either but just knew I had to..I was anticipating burning, itching etc but had none of those side effects....My side effects came later like a right bundle branch block which is a benign heart problem among several others....I finished my last treatment on 12/31/12 and have had several major health issues and surgeries after that but drs say they are unrelated..Who knows...I chose a lumpectomy over a mastectomy even though the doctors told me the standard protocol for my condition was a mastectomy...After the first few checkups post surgery my doctor said "some patients make the right decisions for and by themselves"..He is my angel who unfortunately has since retired.

June 26, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

I almost didn't do it at all, the RO was hell bent on the necessity of the treatment , I'm coming up on my 3 year anniversary of it all, I figure that at stage III what was the use, I won't say either way if I'm glad I went ahead with it or not, but for now I'm clean.

June 8, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

I did 6 weeks of treatments. The last week was optional and I decided against it.

June 6, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

Thanks Amy. 😊

June 5, 2017

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