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How Many Weeks Or Months After Second Stage Reconstruction Does It Take For Your Implants To Settle In And Look More Like Normal Breasts?

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
West Palm Beach, FL
December 1, 2017
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A MyBCTeam Member

Yes the skin is damaged and starts to harden from the radiation. Unless you get the flap thing or other procedures this is it. To this day I have pain if I sit on a chair without a pillow behind me. I still have not gotten used to what I look like but I accept it. The world does not know when they see me only I know. The harden can get worse alot of scar tissue involved. Good Luck and go forward, possibly another surgery will be required. You will be ok you are a survior we all are!

December 2, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

I also had radiation on my left side. I had second stage reconstruction on 8/1. My breasts are very asymmetrical and now different sizes. The radiated side sits high like my expander and is very hard and almost deformed. The right side has dropped significantly and looks like a saggy natural breast. I was hoping for 2 perky young breasts. No such luck!!!!!!

December 1, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

How was it done? Did you have radiation first? 5 years for me 4 surgeries and had radiation I am thankful they look ok, flaws still but radiation destroyed my skin!

December 1, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

@A MyBCTeam Member - I fully understand how you feel about your boobs. I told my surgeon during my first appointment with him that they can go - they are attached to me but I have never been attached to them...he cracked up and realized that my decision to have a BMX vs. lumpectomy vs. single MX was not made in haste or out of panic as he knows so many women react.
If ever I have a reason to be thankful for BC it is that I finally got the boobs off. I don't feel any less feminine nor does my hubby think I'm less feminine.
BTW-If you want to see a before BC picture (firm and perky 38Ds), I have one on my Pinboard, as well as post BMX pictures.

December 4, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

My right non radiated side dropped within a few weeks. My left radiated side never dropped. When I went back to my original PS he told me because of radiation damage it will never drop. On top of that it is still very sore on the sides and under the breSt where they had to reconstruct the pocket with Alloderm. I cannot wear a lot of my bras, especially the compression ones. Even my new PS is not sure what he can do on the radiated side. He is going to try to lift the non radiated side implant and possibly put a smaller implant in, so at least they kind of match, LIke you I don't expect perfection, but I never expected that they would look deformed. @A MyBCTeam Member that picture looks amazing. I wouldn't dare show you a picture of my implants because they would gross you out.

December 3, 2017

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