Are You Not Able To Walk Or Drive During Chemo Or After? Just Wondering Because I Start It In A Few Weeks
I dont have a car, mine died last October and some people say get one some say wait,.. whichbis the best option?
I was always really tired after chemo so my husband always came wirh me for support and to drive me. You'll have to see how it affects you. Everyone is different. Somedays, i wasn't feeling the greatest after chemo and wouldn't have been able to drive or barely walk. Good luck, you will be in my prayers.
The American Cancer Society has a program called Road To Recovery that provides free rides for anyone who needs it during their treatment. I am actually a volunteer driver and have driven many patients to and from appointments, chemo, radiation etc. The toll free no. is (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators) - they will be able to help you if needed. Good luck with your chemo!
@A MyBCTeam Member, another thing my husband and I did was to ask for help from our church. They provided meals on chemp days when we were too tired to cook or simply didn't have the time or energy!! Also, make sure you look over the meds you are taking to see if you should be driving during use. I have chosen not to drive except for short, local trips anymore due to meds evem though I am doing great! Thankfully, my hubby can take me anywhere I want or in nicer weather I can walk! Paula
I worked FT throughout chemo. I didn’t have any side effects immediately. My chemo I was given steroids prior to and after. Some have to get Benadryl as a pre med to your chemo. You would want to bring someone to drive you then bc u will be drowsy. Good Luck!! Fight like a girl!!
I worked ft and only didnt drive rite after tx i had ativan IV so i wouldnt take a chance of wrecking but ither then that if u feel ok then u can drive, i was very sick 10 hrs after my txs fir about 5 hrs straight then the next 3 days was yucky feeling but was able to function.
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