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Mammaprint Bill

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Redondo Beach, CA

Agendia just sent an $8100 bill to me for my Mammaprint. This is quite a shock! It seems my PPO insurance which paid for every other aspect of my DX, Surgery and radiation has denied the claim saying that other tests were available. I can only assume they mean the Oncotype test. Has anyone else had this happen and do you have any advice? Apparently Agendia has, 'in my behalf" already appealed BCBS's decision to deny.


May 31, 2018
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A MyBCTeam Member

Hello Melissa and Nancy,
Same thing happen to me. I received a bill for 9600. I wrote to the billing dept and told them
that I was not paying because should have had it approved by my (BCBS) before I was tested. I never got another bill and my insurance paid it.

Good luck!

June 7, 2018
A MyBCTeam Member

Hello Melissa,
Here is where I am at: They finally sent me the bill 9 months and 2 BCBS denied appeals after the procedure however, what I did not see at the time I posted this issue was that stapled and behind my 8100 bill was a "settlement offer" $500. The rep told me that the first page, the larger bill was "for insurance purposes" (though it clearly had all the elements of an invoice) and the settlement offer was for me. hmmm. Anyway, I have yet to call them about their settlement. Interesting that other insurers do cover the mammaprint but BCBS seems slow to latch on. They said "because there are other tests available" I hope this helps you some, it was very stressful. Ill let you know what happens with the settlement offer, not sure if I will pursue this further or just pay it.
Best of luck,

June 4, 2018
A MyBCTeam Member

I got the same bill from Agendia just last month with a settlement of 500.00 from the over 8,000.00 bill I was sent. I called and they settled on 50.00 a month payment. 1 month down. Now I get a bill from genetic testing for 4000.00 that was only suppose to be 800.00 max and my part was to be 89.00. It is so frustrating!

November 2, 2018
A MyBCTeam Member

Geez...I must have gotten a deal. I was billed for $4200. Of course, they billed for it 2x. I am in the appeal process now.

June 13, 2018
A MyBCTeam Member

Sept. 2017

June 8, 2018

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