Runny Eyes And Nose On TC Chemo?
Anyone experiencing/experienced very watery eyes on TC chemo? Of course this is nothing compared to the other side effects; mostly annoying. But it looks like I'm crying all the time!
I forgot to mention in my answer above, that I went to see my eye doctor in October. She told me that chemo causes "dry eye" which causes tremendously watery eyes. I now use Systane frequently. Visine Multi-Action Eye Allergy up to 4 times a day as needed. She could not believe that my oncologist had not told me this - instead of receiving the standard answer - oh, it's the chemo. Cold weather certainly amplifies my severe dry eye but the Systane does help.
My eyes started watering after the 4th tchp treatment and stream now. I think it got worse when my eyelashes started falling out. Runny nose too. Hoping this will all go away after chemo ends
When I had Taxotere/Cytoxan almost 4 years ago, I never had this issue. Now with Abraxane (which apparently has Taxol in the witches brew) the tearing up is unbelievable!
My nose still runs, I always blamed it on the lack of nose hairs,
Finished the harsh chemo in May 2018.
Yes, I had a runny nose during chemo. I remember asking the doctor about it and he said that was a common complaint.
To Have TC Or Not...I'm Faced With A Difficult Decision...and Are There Long Term Side Effects To TC?
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