Managing Side Effects After First Treatment.
One week ago on February 4th, i received my first of 4 rounds of TC chemo. I am scheduled to receive 1 every 3rd Monday. Next one is February 25. It's so crazy how side effects come and go. Just when you think your over one, another shows up. From fatigue, headaches and nausea to constipation and now the backache from the straining it seems i have not managed possible side effects well. Since it's my first treatment, who knew what would effect me until it did. My body itself is so out of wack… read more
Managing side effects after the first chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer can be challenging. Here are some tips from the knowledge base:
1. Eat Very Small Meals
- If you experience nausea and/or vomiting, try eating and drinking small amounts throughout the day instead of large meals. Keeping a small amount of Show Full Answer
Eat an apple every day or prunes for constipation. Biotene products are great for mouth health. Gatorade was a nice pick me up when I felt weak. Take care.
take your premeds and for the 1st and 2nd treatment I took that anti nausea just in case. Take with a stool softener. I had no nausea at all. Just achy and a taste of metal. Drink lemon water and or lemon candy. Also runny nose from time to time. I ate whatever the hell I wanted during that time. Not junk-but I didn't watch the carbs--eat what sounds good to you. Sleep and don't expect much from your body..its going through hell.
Hi @A MyBCTeam Member, certainly everyone is different, but the fatigue seems to be an across-the-board side effect that we've all experienced. Please understand that chemo is cumulative & so your side effects will likely increase as you move forward through treatment. I didn't lose sense of taste until almost my final chemo...everything tasted like cardboard....thankfully my sense of taste returned within a few weeks. As for the oncologist prescribed something....please talk to your chemo nurses & your doctor...they can assist with finding you something to alleviate the side effects. As for the fatigue...well... I finished chemo in Dec. 2017, had mastectomy (partial) in Jan. 2018, radiation until May 2018 and I STILL tire easily. Hugs & prayers to you.
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