Has Anyone Had A Local Recurrence Of DCIS Following A Bi-lateral Mastectomy?
The cancer returned ten months later as a local recurrence invasive ductal carcinoma. Her-2 and ER positive. I have just completed 6 TCHP rounds and will begin 6 weeks of radiation soon. I will continue with HP infusions for another 7 months. I have also been prescribed daily Arimidex. Thought I did all the right things to prevent this from happening! No other treatments were recommended after the first diagnosis. Have been told it is rare to recur. PET scan was clear so am of course… read more
That really stinks. It can rarely happen—like a 3% chance. Possibly there was a micro invasion or second tumor that was missed as not every cell of breast tissue is examined by pathology during a mastectomy.
I also had DCIS which I treated with a BMX only. I have read of one other woman who had a recurrence, but in her case it was found in a lymph node.
There are no absolutes in cancer except for the fact that it sucks! I wish you much success with this chapter.
How unusual. This makes you very special 😉 You DID do all the right things! Vertically, Breast tissue extends from your collarbone (clavicle) to the fold under your breast and horizontally, from your breast bone (sternum) to the side of your body. It’s always possible that cancer cells could be left behind following mastectomy.
That scares me but cant live life wonder what if right just LIVE
Hands and feet in the ice cubes! It was cold for sure🥶 !
@A MyBCTeam Member Many people have used the gloves and booties with success, I know of others that found it too uncomfortable to continue. My oncologist never mentioned doing anything to counter it- of course, I am not his biggest fan anyway.
Anyone Else With DCIS, Bi-lateral Mastectomy, Negative Nodes Have Chemo Recommended As Part Of Treatment?
I Was Wondering, For Those Of You Who Have Dcis, And Stage It As I To IV, Did You Have A Recurrence?