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After Chemo Is Done....hiw Long Till I Feel Somewhat Normal And When Does My Hair Return?

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Washburn, WI
December 3, 2022
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A MyBCTeam Member

I got tired after the least little thing and i would get mild dizziness so i had to watch the stairs. I start feeling better about when i started radiation which was three weeks later. My hair started growing in then, too along with chin and private. I looked like a chia pet so im not ditching the caps until i can use the mini curling iron my twinster gave me. I bought a ton of wigs and scarves off a cheap site called Temu. They have fairly good quality stuff. has videos on how to tie headwraps. The dollar store has scarves and bandanas. I had waist legnth hair bc but im never going to let myself get attatched again in case i lose it again.💕🙏😇

December 4, 2022
A MyBCTeam Member

Hi there don't think there is a Normal! I also don't think any of us will return to our old way. We've been through too much and we've had the fight of our lives and we're the ones still standing. People get upset over silly things we used too but now you just quietly move away from it and that person no more drama we've had enough drama 🎭 I personally have made lots of new friends on this shit show of a journey and I intend once I'm finished my treatment I've made a promise to myself I making a trip to see them. I speak for myself I don't think there is a normal just you won't go back to an old way. Do what's right for you put you first and be really pleased and proud of yourself you completed the journey and you're the one still standing. You're a brave warrior. WELL DONE YOU!! God bless you

December 4, 2022
A MyBCTeam Member

I had surgery .... chemo....then I will have radiation .... what a roller coaster ride....

December 3, 2022
A MyBCTeam Member

I had AC (pretty harsh) followed by Taxol. Last infusion was 1/3/2019, followed by surgery and radiation. Good Friday services was my debut without hat/wig. My eyebrows did not grow back, so I had them tattooed on (they were not great to begin with).
As far as feeling normal again, that may never happen. You are not the same person you were before diagnosis and treatment. I heard a quote, cancer changes everything and it changes nothing. I now understand that. I was in a dark place as treatment ended. Less than a month from diagnosis, I was in a chemo chair. Then I was in survival mode. 5 weeks to recover before surgery, then 6 weeks later radiation. I had never digested my cancer diagnosis. I think I had a little PTSD. Fortunately, I got past it Once my hair grew back. I kept it short. I never had short hair, I love how easy it is. I take way better care of myself, I do yoga, exercise, eat well, and I appreciate all the gifts life has to offer. About 5 months after my last treatment, I embrace the new me!
Hoping you achieve this same peace soon! You deserve it!

December 3, 2022
A MyBCTeam Member

What blocker are you on? When I'm done with radition I will be on 1 that starts with a T.

January 18, 2023

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