Working During Treatments
Anyone able to work during a Triple positive treatments (chemi, rad, herceptin?)
Thank you all for the responses
Praying for peace and good sleep to all tonight
Love and hugs
I am triple negative. I worked 3rd shift, three times a week, 12 hour night shift (7 pm to 7:30 am). My employer did work with me. The one good thing about chemo, side effects are predictable, so I knew when I couldn’t work. I had treatment every other Thursday. I worked Wednesday night, had chemo after. I was fine with the steroids, until Friday evening, I was down until Sunday evening. I would work Monday night. Also, my co workers were the best. If we were over a nurse, they always offered for me to stay home. I took off 6 weeks post op. I worked through radiation.
TCHP is a tough regimen. With it being every 3 weeks, you should be ok on your off weeks, but you may need to take some days after treatment. Follow how you feel. Also, if you are struggling, let your doctor know, getting extra IV fluids for a few days after treatment can really help!
Wishing you well!
AS my hairdresser worked during her treatment. And is doing well 12 years later. I hope that helped.
I worked from home as long as possible. Once I went on Taxil I got really sick so I could no longer work. I am in treatment again and collecting diability
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