Just How Immune Compromised Are You After Chemo And Antibodies Therapy?
Can you work? Can you socialize?
It depends, everyone is different, and some regimes are harder than others. All chemo will lower the immune system, but not all at the same rate. The nadir is when the it is the lowest. Some chemos, like Taxotere and AC completely wipe out the immune system, so the next day Neupogen is given (there are many forms) to stimulate the bone marrow to start rebuilding the immune system. You never want the Absolute Neutrophil Count to be below 1.0.
I had chemo before covid. I worked as on inpatient nurse. I never called in. That Christmas, I went to family get together for a short visit, we left when young kids came. They are germ carriers!
I tell my chemo patients to look for a balance of being careful and quality of life. If you want to go out for dinner, maybe go Tuesday night instead of Saturday night. Try to avoid crowds, good handwashing, stay away from sick people. Wear a mask in large groups. I think living life helps us feel better. Locking oneself away during treatment cannot be good for mental health.
Wishing you well!
@A MyBCTeam Member From everything I have read here by women on chemo, there is no way I could have worked. Its difficult for women who are facing loss of income and might be forced to have to go to work. I feel for them. It has to be difficult. For women who can, they should just rest and heal as long as possible. ❤️
for those of you who worked more power to you. I just can't the red devil is completely taking me down plus being an ER nurse no way. I will not feel guilty for taking time off and taking care of myself nurses rarely do that. I feel as women we seem to feel this need to be productive I am not saying laying on the couch all day but giving ourselves a break during chemo is okay.
I could no way work right now CA has a great disability that we pay into while working. I am an RN who has paid into it for 25 years. I have to pay 800 a month in insurance, As far as social I text and am on the phone a lot. After chemo do not feel like visiting much.
just having any cancer reeks' havoc on our immune system even before treatments make it worse.
People with cancer may have a higher risk of infection because of changes in the immune system that control their body’s defense systems. Cancer and cancer treatments can affect the immune system and other body systems in different ways. People with cancer might be more likely to get infections because of:
The cancer itself
Certain types of cancer treatment
Poor nutrition
Other health problems or medications that aren't related to cancer
How Long Will My Immune System Be Compromised After Chemo?
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