A Hard Lump Like A Scar Tissue (not Fm Fat Necrosis )developed On My Lumpectomy Area.So Concerning So It T Needs Monitoring.
It could be a suture coming out, I have one and it is not out enough to remove it.
It's common to feel a hard lump or scar tissue after a lumpectomy. This is typically part of the healing process and not necessarily a sign of cancer returning. Scar tissue often feels denser than normal tissue. However, if you experience prolonged pain or notice changes in texture much later after your lumpectomy, it's Show Full Answer
I had a double mastectomy, the skin on top is fusing with the silver skin on the ribs and making one.
As my scabs healed and when I bathed the healed area feels like my rib bones.
I have developed Cording that has required Myofascial Release to help in the healing and fusing.
I Have Found A Lump In The Breast That Had Cancer. Oncologist Thinks Its Probably Scar Tissue. I'm Not Convinced. Anyone Else Have This?
2 Weeks Post Op From Double Mastectomy With Implants And Have A Hard Lump That Has Come Up. Anyone Else Had This Happen?
I Dont Feel To Good Just That More Reconstruction Have A Big Lump