Sorry- I Meant To Ask Is Anyone Else ER+, PR- And HER2-? What Treatments Are You On After Surgery? Did You Have To Do Chemo?
So, you were ER positive, PR positive, correct? I am PR negative. Good luck with your chemo treatments! You got this!
They took 20 lymph nodes and only found one that was positive.
Did a double mastectomy 4 chemo sessions 28 radiation sessions. Then 1 med for 2 yrs and the other one for 5 yrs
I had four rounds of chemotherapy of Taxotere and carboplatin, Also one year of perjetta and herceptin infusion, 20 radiation treatments, I had a lump ectomy first and my lymph nodes were clean and my surrounding tissue was clean.
After Treatments they started me on anastrozole. I have to be on the aromatic inhibitor for 10 years because of how aggressive my cancer cells were..
Iām also ER+, PR- And HER2+ and Luminal B
Nice to meet you, Sally! Were your lymph nodes positive?
Is Anyone Else ER+,PR-,HER2+? What Treatments Are You On After Surgery And Have They Been Effective?
Stage 2A