Stage 4 And Changing AI
The last thing my oncologist said to me last week was 'Right now I'll keep your medication the way it is' which lead me to think depending on the results of the CT scan on 3/12 she may very well decide to try another AI .
Knowing Stage 4 patients are closely monitored because many of the treatments stop working. Did a scan show one AI was no longer working so your doctor switched to another AI and was there a different outcome?
Firstly, I was diagnosed at stage 1. I assume my outcome might be at a higher percentage. I have tried four different AI’s, each with their own set of negative side effects. My body could not adjust as the effects just got worse with time.
I’ve read where there are some individuals who suffer little to no problems. Most do, however. I encourage you to consider your own risk factors before jumping ship. Also your age may help with your decision. I’m 73 and would like to live more comfortably, and not become disabled by taking these drugs.
Once you stop AI’s there will remain some residual discomforts for a considerable length of time. I’ve read where it could take 10 years to shed their effects. I also read that these drugs can cause other, unrelated to cancer, health problems. The goal of the oncologist is to keep us alive and in remission. What is YOUR goal? There is no clear cut answer to your question.
I know some who endured their treatments that didn’t gain much time, and others who did and are living long past expectations. I know of one gal who refused all medications after a double mastectomy and 12 years later remains healthy.
It is your own decision to try the medications or not. You can study and evaluate the experience of others, but your journey is specific to you. I trust you will come to a positive plan of action.
I’m stage one so I can’t offer you anything from my experience but a good friend of mine who is stage four is having good results. Keytuda stopped working for her so she got in on a trial medication and is having excellent results. Hope the best for you. I have three more chemo treatments and then herceptin for 13 months and some radiation. So a long way to go but so glad the chemo is almost over. Nasty side effects and I seemed to get most of them. Prayers going your way.
I was diagnosed with Metastatic BC stage 4. I think about the issue, you present, a lot since my meds have been working for me ( am 4 years in) and I know this will not be a forever situation. I know that the cancer drug effects are different for each person as are the results. I am 82 and want my future years to be as easy as possible. I think about Palliative Care verses taking new drugs with difficult side effects with no guarantees. There is so much to think and sort out. I have a scan coming up and know I will see my Oncologist. My anxiety is always higher at this time. Hope we can continue this conversation. I know we are not alone. Cancer sucks is my last sentence.
Hi Barbara66, I've been on an AI (letrozole) and Ibrance for a little over a year and so far it has worked for me. My last scan just a couple of weeks ago showed some reduction in tumor size and no new lesions nor increased size in existing lesion spots in my bones. Yes the side effects are sometimes tough but I've been able to deal with them with simple Tylenol ES. I'm also participating in a trial that examines my blood every 3 months for specific markers that would indicate my regimen has or beginning to quit working. So far so good! I've an outstanding support system in my husband and family, plus my cancer team is absolutely great! I don't have a lot of energy and my bones particularly my back hurt every morning till I can get that Tylenol in me! God bless you and all of my sisters out there keep fighting!
@A MyBCTeam Member I hope your medication continues to work for you. That is great it has been working for you for 4 years 🥰.
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