Port Placement Tomorrow, Was Told It Will Be On The Left Side Of My Chest Since Cancer Was On The Right Side And I Had Nodes Removed.
Will the port being on the left side of my chest interfere with being able to get an echo? I’ll need an echo before I start chemo and it sounds like every 3 months since I’ll be on Herceptin for a year.
Because you are using Herceptin they could use a MUGA scan to keep an eye on your heart and how it is pumping blood. Blood pressure is important too.
My cancer is triple positive (HER2 positive included) and I am 1/2 way through my year of treatments (12 weeks of chemo & Herceptrin, plus now Herceptrin infusions every three weeks, and I'm currently almost halfway through 19 radiation treatments. 5 years of hormone therapy pills will start at the end of the year. My tumor and its lumpectomy were on the right side, so my port was placed on the left. The port placement is in the upper left corner of my chest and is far enough away from my heart to not cause any problems or interference with my echocardiograms (I have had two this year so far -one at the start of chemo and one near the end of chemo.) The port has mostly been a "life saver". I did have the problem (on week 11 of chemo!) of it flipping over and had to have a 2nd surgery to flip it back over. At that point they secured it with a few stitches to keep that from happening again, and so far so good!
Yes, chemo ports are often placed on the side opposite to where the cancer was located, especially if lymph nodes were removed on that side. This helps to avoid complications and makes the process smoother. The port will likely be visible just under your skin and will be used for chemotherapy, blood draws, and other Show Full Answer
I can answer this tomorrow. I have a port on the left side and I'm getting an echo done in the morning.
I had my echo done. They just moved the sticky out a tiny bit. Other than that it was super easy.
Lymph Nodes
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