How Long Did It Take You To Recover When They Switched Out The Tissue Expanders For The Implants And Do They Put In Drains Again?
I had my exchange surgery on a Friday. I did not work on Mon/ Tues/Wed of the following week but went back on Thursday. I am a teacher. My recovery was quick and I had to remind myself not to do too much too soon. I would start to lift something and remember that I had to wait a bit longer. No drain tubes were needed for me.
Mine is scheduled for 7/25/24. Can't come soon enough. I feel like a whimp but I have been very uncomfortable with these expanders.
My plastic surgeon tells me no drains will be necessary for exchange surgery. About 2 weeks recovery, 4 - 6 back to normal activity. We'll see.
They were sore because they have to open you up again where you were opened before. It wasn’t too bad at all. No drains (thank heaven) for this procedure. When the stitches start to heal I would like to suggest silicone gel strips for your scars. It’s amazing how much lighter it makes the scar tissue. I don’t really notice mine anymore. After you’re all healed you might want to think of having nipple tattoos done. I did and it looks like I have real breasts again.
Recovery time after switching out tissue expanders for implants can vary, but one member shared that they felt exponentially better each day after the exchange. They were tender for the first few days and needed pain medication for about 72 hours, then switched to acetaminophen (Tylenol). They were back on a treadmill two Show Full Answer
To Women Who Have Tissue Expander Implants...
Implant Surgery
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