How To Deal With Depression Related To Diagnosis?
I stay busy, work out. Walk a lot. Being on here has helped so much!
Leslie- it is hard not to think about cancer, and get upset so early in the process. Tomorrow you will meet with the doctor, and find out exactly what your pathology reports say. They will be able to identify the receptor info for you, and discuss your options regarding treatment. For most of us, getting those questions answers and determining a plan forward helped with the building anxiety. These first few weeks are hard!!! As Laura said, Give yourself some grace. Please check back tomorrow if you feel up to it, and let us know how everything went. Keeping you in prayers! Hugs!
A cancer diagnosis is hard! Give yourself some grace!
For me, exercise helps me, walking my dog, yoga etc. Diagnosis to chemo chair was quick, so I don’t think I really accepted this journey I found myself on. Then I was in survival mode. When treatment was done, I thought I would be so happy, but I wasn’t. After time, it did get better. I had given myself a time frame, if not better, I would seek a counselor for help. Might be something for you to consider.
Wishing you well!
Dealing with depression related to a breast cancer diagnosis can be challenging. Here are some strategies based on the knowledge base:
- Seek Professional Help: Consult with mental health professionals such as therapists, psychiatrists, or psychologists. They can provide psychotherapy (talk therapy) and, if necessary Show Full Answer
Allow PEACE to be your friend... Whatever bring you peace to get your mind off of the diagnoses. I know it's easier said than done but give yourself time and grace. Watch a comedy, go outside and let the sun kiss your face, go for a prayer walk, color, read, and or write those are things I do to keep my mind I a safe space. Our mind could be our friend or our enemy (Inner-Me) we have to make the decision to Renew our mind daily!!! Be gentle ro your mind and Take Good Care of yourself!!! God bless
Hugs from GA!!! 🫂
Efie Lynn
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