Can Anyone Chime In About Data Or Experiences Relating To Whole Breast Versus Accelerated Partial Radiation ?
I am having left breast only high up to.armpit to ensure not in nodes. I have 5 treatment for 5 weeks. I do the breathing in and out. I was fine for 2.5 weeks. Now getting tired, yet more insomnia. Keep using lotion to make inflammation of skin better. Make sure you exercise your arms and look for swelling.
I had partial radiation, which was fewer sessions, but higher dose. Because of where mine was located, I would have had to do the one where you hold your breath to avoid the heart and lungs. I also had both breasts. I had 5 radiation sessions on each side vs. 15 if I would have done full breast radiation. The main thing, no matter which is making sure your skin is as hydrated as possible to prevent burning. I was lucky and only had slight discoloration (not pink, more tannish), and no pain in the radiated areas. I hope all goes well for you and I'll be praying for you. Keep us posted!
I had proton radiation for whole breast- so that the heart and lung would not be affected as opposed to the traditional (photon) whole breast radiation would affect heart and lung.
External Beam Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation
I Have Been Offered A Choice Of 15 Whole Breast Radiation Treatments Or APBI (5 Treatments Targeting Tumor Area) Anyone Have Any Insight ?
Has Anyone Had APBI (Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation) If So, What Was The Criteria To Be Considered For This Radiation Approach?