Has Anyone Had Pain In Their Hands After A Double Mastectomy?
I did not have a mastectomy partial I had.. but since my right hand has aching shooting pain numb tingling in right hand it wakes me up every night it's constant. I was going to go to rothman ... it might be the shots or the letrozole or drum surgery idk.
Not overall pain, but the treatments did give me trigger finger pains. That cleared up after treament- for the most part- still happens occasionally! Hugs!
I have been on Anastrozole for 8 months and now my hands hurt. My right hand has developed trigger finger and my carpal tunnel is much worse in both hands.
Yes, some people have experienced pain in their hands after a double mastectomy. It's important to monitor both hands and arms for signs of lymphedema and exercise both shoulders to prevent stiffness. If you experience swelling or redness in the arm or hand on the side you had the mastectomy, you should call your doctor Show Full Answer
I'm having trigger finger also it started right after surgery 💕
I'm Great, Just Having Headaches 😩 And Tried My Energy Is Very Low Never Had A Problem With That Before, My Be My Age 🙃 😅.
Do You Get Tried Really Fast 😕
Has Anyone Had Trouble With A Tight Lump Underneath In The Armpit After A Mastectomy, Lymph Node Swollen?