Does Anyone Know How They Do Radiation When You Have A Lot Of Moles On And Around The Breast Area ?
I had full chest radiation 35 sessions. I have several good sized moles and several of them are raised. They did not do anything specific for them, nor did they mention them. I had an excellent radiation oncologist and team.
You're welcome DebbieWilliams3.🌹👍💕
Thank you Brenda 57 so appreciative for answering my question I will definitely put that in my notes!! 💕❤️
Good Morning DebbieWilliams3. If you notice any new moles or changes during your treatments please let your oncologist and radiologist know immediately. I have several around my breast during my treatment but no changes at all. You can also use Radiaplex Cream after your treatments daily. Your radiologist can give you a prescription for it. Take care 😊🙏
Thank you for this info this helps a lot . Hope you are doing well sending good vibes your way!! 💕
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