Anybody Had Any Success Dealing With Lyphedema?
My left arm is GIGANTIC and aches terribly all the time. It is heavy and ugly and I have a hard time buying clothes because in order for it to fit my arm, it is too big for the rest of me. I can't exercise without aggravating it and causing the swelling to increase dramatically. My skin does not tolerate the wrapping or any sleeve I have tried (and I have tried all of them including the ones made of silver). I am desparate for relief!
Hi, I have had lymphedema in my arm for 6 years and also work at the National Lymphedema Network. I would be happy to speak with you about treatment options and hopefully help you find a therapist in your area. I have some ideas off the top of my head, but I would love to speak with you to be able to hear what products you have tried before and see if there are some different ones on the market that can help.
Lymphedema can be a really tricky thing to manage since not everything works for everyone. I have tried almost every garment on the market and some work wonderfully for me and some do not. It can sometimes be a trial and error system and can take some creativity to find you what works for you, but once you figure it out you'll be a lot happier!
I would recommend only getting garments from someone who is certified. (I can help you find someone!) If cost is an issue I may be able to help you with the NLN's garment fund. It supplies custom made garments for patients in financial need.
We also have a lot of information on our website ( that you should read including our position paper on exercise. (Guidelines have changed recently!)
Please give me a call at my office any time between 8-4 pm PST or send me a private message so that I can try and give you more specific information. Our number is (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)
Http:// provides free lymphedema garments. You will need to be fitted at your surgeons office but they can be helpful in controlling it. I also hear acupuncture works wonders but like a therapist you have to continue going. The compression sleeves and gauntlets are what I have heard are most effective. If they bother you to wear all day you can use just at night at the very least.
Are there any Lymphedema physical therapists around, ask your doctor, There are all kinds of exercises and massages to do to get the fluid moving. Also, try not to use the arm for repetative movements, or heavy lifting. Hope you get some relief soon.
i have the same problem. i even bought a pump,lymphedema press 5,000,dollars out of pocket on my doctors advice..No help seems worse when I use it although i use it daily. Sadly there is very little help out there for us.The doctors dont know much about this condition P T kow more but they dont always agree about treatment.Sorry this is not positive view but after more than a year of research nothing new other than lymphnode surgery, not for everyone and not always successful..M D anderson in houston offers this surgery....God Bless and hang in there and always be thankful for all things great and small...we livw by faith...Regards,joan
I have successfully managed my lymphedema with a compression pump used nightly and a fitted sleeve and glove worn daily. I am scheduled to have a lymph node transplant in April.
What's The Deal With Lymphedema?
Anyone Have A Lumpectomy, SNB And 10+ Lymph Nodes Removed And NOT Gotten Lymphedema After 33 Rads?
Sound Off…. How Many On Here Have Had Cording And Then Developed Any Kind Of Lymphedema After That?