Anyone Have A Lumpectomy, SNB And 10+ Lymph Nodes Removed And NOT Gotten Lymphedema After 33 Rads?
I am so lucky and so grateful to be a Stage 2B girl that I feel guilty to even hope for more good news. (I was supposed to have chemo because of nodal extension on 1 pos. node but my Onco scores were all really low so I will do rads starting tomorrow. Naturally I am concerned about lymphedema as I am an artist and need my hand and arm to function well. But after 13 nodes removed, I am at risk. Anyone here in the same boat and/or had no lymphedema after rads? It would be great to hear!
Thanks so much, Cannh for the positive side of the story. You are right...there are lots of nightmare stories out there about it. I am thrilled for you that yours was caught early and managed. I begin my rads tomorrow and will be very watchful! Thanks again!!!
Hi Sharyn,
I had Stage 3 breast cancer and it was in both breasts and both sides in lymph nodes. I had a bilateral mastectomy, many lymph nodes removed, chemo, and radiation. That was in 2004 and I have been blessed to have never developed lymph-edema. When I asked my surgeon about my risk for lymph-edema his reply was "my patients don't get lymph-edema." I did not go on to ask him why he was so confident about that. I don't remember his name and I was living in Alaska when I went through the diagnosis and treatment for my cancer. Blessings and here's to no lymph-edema for you!! Marla : )
I think I have lymphedma in my breast It has been 16 month for me 36 rads low onco score. I have to see my onco 12/22 I will ask why my poor lola get swollen some times.
Thank for the advice. I haven't got it yet it being 16 month from now on I will be more careful
Will My Arm That I Had To Lymph Node Removed Out Of Always Be An Issue?
Should I Have Radiation Even Though I Only Had One Lymph Node Postitve?
Does Anyone Have Truncal Lymphedemia.