Anybody Experience Hair Growth After Chemo To Come In On Places That Hair Wasn't There Prior?
,hair on side of my face grew back in fast after 2 months since chemo ended, wondering if anyone else has experienced a 5o'clock shadow :)
Yes, mee too. I have hair on my face including a few strands that grow from my cheek. My hair line is completly different also. The one plus I like is that my eyebrows and eye lashes grew in fuller and longer than they were before.
Yes, We all just need to BELIEVE AND PRAYER can do wonders:)
Thanks Fran, It has been rather hard for the past 2 and a half years but I think, actually, I know it has made me stronger. It has been a few days since I been up here, but I will continue to pray for myself and all my fellow sisters on this site for complete healing in Jesus name. God's will shall be done.
My hair on my head fell out and I had wavy hair. It came back straight as a board. The good thing, the hair on my legs - never have to shave and the hair under my arm - never have to shave. Funny how chemo and radiation affects your body. Going into my 4th year cancer free:). Thank the One above - God. My sister 14 months older than me die of breast cancer in 1997 at age 42. I'm 57.
Yes, Nadia. I had the "beard as I called it and asked my oncologist what was happening. She said when your brain gets the message to start hair regrowth, it does not distinguish exactly where your hair should start growing again so it's very likely it does appear in places where you had no hair previously. She suggested shaving, a depilatory like Nair or do nothing and let it fall out on its own. I used Nair once several months ago and will need to reapply now as it has been growing a little. I hope your treatment for it works best for you! Hugs, Mary
More Facial And Body Hair From Lupron And Anastrozole?
All Hair Do You Lose
Hair Regrowth