Has Anyone Been Tested For BRCA 1 & 2 As Well As BART And You Have Been Negative For Both?
I am 24 years old and am negative for both tests. And while I sit here and heave a sigh of relief, I wonder am I being too hasty? Are there are any other tests I should ask about?
I was tested for BRAC1 and BRAC2. I'm 90% sure there was a 3rd on too, but I test negative for everything. I'm not super worried about it though. I have a family tormented by cancer. We have Myself with breast cancer at 30, a cousin with testicular at 29, two cousins with ovarian one in her 30s (passed away from it) and the other in her early 50s, two Aunts and my Grandma had breast cancer after age 60 (one was 78), an Aunt with lung cancer in her 60s and recurrence now in her 70s, and one cousin currently battling bladder cancer. We also have a huge history of heart disease on that side. I'm not sure that it's necessarily our genes, or our lifestyles though. We are not know to be the healthiest family. The way I look at it, I'm going to try to teach my children the two things that I was not taught...how to eat healthy and be active. With our without a genetic mutation, that should help. :)
Hi Justine! I had those two test done in addition to P53, I was 26 at time of diagnosis. All of my test came back negative for mutations. Not terribly surprising, because there is no family history of cancer at all.
At the time, I was told that those were the only genetic mutations they could test for without looking at my entire genome, which is terribly expensive, and no insurance company will pay for.
Luckily for me the place where I got treated is running a genome study, and since I was negative for those mutations they asked me to participate. The geneticist said that he has a hard time chucking my cancer up to the environment, because of age. I participated, because knowledge is power.
Also, I learned that there are apparently 80 genetic mutations, that can be responsible for breast cancer. Isn't that crazy?!?!?!
I sent away for the 23 and Me test, a gene test, health issues test for 99 dollars and shipping. You use swabs of your salvia..I am anxious to get it, send it in, and of course get the results.
Me, it had been around 8 at that time!!!... I was just reading an article by my oncologist, which mentions a correlation between breast cancer and birth control pills. Why isn't this getting more attention?!?!
@A MyBCTeam Member thanks for mentioning that...I took it and my percentage was less than 1% so that's good lol...and the questions continue =P
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