Is It Normal To Have Shooting Pain Through Your Mastectomy Scar?
I have a shooting pain that goes through the scar of my mastectomy. It doesn't last long but it can be bad when it happens.
@A MyBCTeam Member, yes it is totally normal. I mean think about it, your nerves were cut through and damaged and now are trying to pain will occur. My plastic surgeon/other doctors said that was normal. If the pain becomes consistent, then I would speak to your doctor about it. However, I believe bringing up any issues with your doctor just to give yourself reassurance from a professional, personally. =)
Thank you all, I finally heard back from my Dr and that is what he told me. I have to say that when it happens it is a schocker.
The shooting pains you are experiencing is most likely nerve endings growing back together.
You might want to ask for a referral to an OT, who can help you learn about scar massage, and exercises to help with the healing.
@A MyBCTeam Member it is totally startling but I am glad you got confirmation from your doctor =)
I'm Great, Just Having Headaches 😩 And Tried My Energy Is Very Low Never Had A Problem With That Before, My Be My Age 🙃 😅.
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