Anyone Have Experience With An Incapsulated Implant?
I had my expanders removed and replaced with silicone implants in Feb 2013. Now the one in the breast that had cancer is incapsulated and I am told it will need to be replaced. This is my second round of cancer and in 1990 I had full breast radiation I am told that because I was radiated that I will now need the flap from my back. Anyone have any experience with this? I do not want to keep having surgery on this breast.
I had the same thing happen with the implant on the radiated side. My PS inserted alloderm at the end of May in hopes of softening it. I am having some problem with the incision healing. I am praying it works out. If not, my PS said my only other option would be the flap from my back & I would prefer to avoid any more surgeries.
I have the same thing on my radiated side. The doctor is waiting until November, which is a year from the end of radiation, and then he will remove the scar tissue and place expanders in. I'm hopeful, but he did explain that it may come back. He mentioned the diep flap for in the future if this happens again. It is so tight, hard and uncomfortable. and much higher than my left.
Hi @hollyflackblackwell I had a similar thing happen to me after six years with implant. I also had to have a lat flap, latissimus dorsi flap. It has been seven years since I had it and to this day I know I had it done. I wasn't ready to not have a breast and went with the lat flap. It involves two major incisions. One in the back to tunnel the latissimus under the armpit and onto the front where there are more incisions. The breast looked more natural, but the recovery was as bad as the original mastectomy. I experienced severe cramping whenever I exercised for about a year, it eventually subsided, but I have only about 80% usage in that arm after I got it back to 100% usage after mastectomy. Would I recommend it? I was 49 years old when I had it done and felt I was still young and vital. Now that I am very close to sixty, i doubt I would have it done. Not that 60 is old, because I am still young and vital in my brain, but my body didn't get the message! LOL. Remember everyone is different and healing is different as well. Good luck with your decision! Lynn
I had a BMX with expanders last year. Within 10 days of surgery, I had to have the expanders removed due to non-healing from prior radiation. I was told I would have to wait six months before attempting more reconstruction. I went to a different PS for a consultation and he recommended DIEP but wouldn't do it because the insurance doesn't pay enough to justify his time in surgery (sucks, I know). He said he would do the lattisimus flap but I would need expanders again. I was scared to try that so I'm left as flat as a 10 year old and I hate it.
I had a tissue expander incapsulate and had to have it exchanged and my chest wall scrubbed cleans.
Life Of Implants And How Often They Need To Be Replaced?
Expanders Pain
Reconstruction Discomfort