Mediports Left In.
I guess this question is directed to people who's treatment is complete. Is it standard operating procedure for a person's mediport to be left intact? My cancer was found in 2011. Chemo was done from August 2011 to December 2011. Radiation was done in first part of 2012. I am guessing my oncologist is leaving the mediport intact until I finish my course of Tamoxifen for the required five years. I have made two of the years already. I have three more years to go.
This would be a question to ask your oncologist. The individuals who I know who still have their ports is 1) breast cancer in both breast and sentinel nodes and can't have labs drawn from either arm or 2) veins are bad and its used for blood draws and he goes in every 6 to 8 weeks to have the port flushed.
I still have my port. My last herceptin infusion was 6/26/13. My onco wanted me to keep it for a minimum of 1 yr from last date of treatment. She is not in a hurry to take it. I think it's because I have higher chance of recurrence since I had IBC Her2+ BC. I even forget I have it except for having to get it flushed every 6 weeks.
I finished all my treatments in January of this year and was told they want me to keep my port in for two years because there is a 60 percent recurrence the first year.
My friend who had lymphoma x 7 times has to go in to have his port flushed every 6 weeks.
I am six month out and I am having my port taken out in November. Can't wait for this to be a memory
Mediport Pain
How Long Does Pain And Swelling From Tissue Expanders Surgery Last? Mine Was 4 Days Ago. Still Have My Drains. Swollen And Painful.
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