Did Any Mastectomy Survivors Out There Have A Positive Lymph Node And Decline To Do Radiation?
Did any mastectomy survivors out there have a positive lymph node and decline to do radiation
I am still going through chemo now but I am trying to get ready for what is ahead. I will consult with couple of Radio oncologist in the next week, but I was wondering if anybody chose not to have radiation after mastectomy. When I talk about it to my friends I am looked at as if I am out of my mind to think that I could "skip" radiation
I am concerned with about the side effects : Lymphodema risk,… read more
I had stage 2a with one node positive. I went for a consult prior to finishing chemo. I was told that I was in the gray area for radiation. It would be my choice. RO said that since my tomor was small 11mm and my margins were pretty good (10mm) and only one node positive she wasn't going to tell me that she was recommending that I needed to have the radiation. She knew I was struggling with the decision and talked with me again where we decided it was best for me to just start the Letrozole and skip radiation. I hope I made the right choice. I often wonder as there was Lvi and extra capsulated extension involved. But everyone kept telling me not to focus on that.
I had 4 rounds of A/C and 12 rounds of Taxol. I am due to get radiation for 6-7weeks. My cancer was stage 3. I had 13 lymph nodes removed of which 4 were positive.
I think you should get radiation just to prevent any recurrences. Dont even worry about how it will look just think about survival!! Good Luck and my prayers are with you.
I didn't need radiation after mastectomy and chemo per my onc
I had confirmation in one lymph node, had bilateral mastectomy, and didn't need radiation. I was Stage 2a.
I also had BMX with reconstruction. I had 8 positive nodes so had 6 cycles of chemo TAC and 28 rounds of radiation - is it a choice? They did give me a percentage (95%) of non local re-occurrence that gave me peace of mind to just go ahead and do it.
What’s The Difference Between Lymph Node Dissection And Lymph Node Biopsy?
Should I Have Radiation Even Though I Only Had One Lymph Node Postitve?