Do I Need To Do Surgery Also Radiation If I Am Cancer Free After Chemo?
I was diagnosed with stage 2 ,HER2+ in May , 2014. The hospital asked me to do three treatments (chemo, surgery, radiation), also herception shot for one year. Since my cancer already transfer to my lymph node. I request to do chemo first. When I finished chemo, I ask doctor if they couldn't find any cancer cell on my breast also my lymph node under my arm pit before surgery, could I skip surgery? Cause I was scare of lymphedema to stay with me for the rest of my life. Both oncology and surgery… read more
I had all 3, but not in same order. Had mastecomy, chemo then radiation. Was told they're could still be cancer cells hiding they can't see, especially in the scar tissue from surgery. That's what made me decide to have radiation, to put my mind at ease. Radiation isn't all that bad, I didn't blister was just in some pain from burns. But they're are creams to help with that.
I am resistant about doing anti-hormone therapy for a similar reason -- if they've already killed my cancer, why do I need more (expensive and potentially permanently harmful) treatments? The answer I've gotten is that they know that the treatments they've prescribed don't guarantee you are cancer free. Maybe you can go back to your skin cancer doctor and get a recommendation (for or against radiation) based on YOUR history and pathology and not on statistical info for all BC patients.
My oncologist was rude enough to tell me if I didn't do the full radiation and other suggested treatments, and the cancer comes back in a few years, it will be because I didn't follow his recommendations. He was surprised when I told him if the cancer returns it will be a hard sell to get me to do chemo again because it only damaged my body the first time.
I think it's a personal decision and you have to do what's right for you. On my journey I had a very aggressive stage 3 cancer that was her2 positive. My tumor was the size of my cyst. There s a picure of it in my pins. After chemo there were absolutely no signs of it on my mri's ultra sounds anywhere but my cancer team strongly suggested the surgery so I agree and when I woke up from the lumpectomy my surgeon said I'm sorry but there's cancer in the margins.
I also am stage 2, will be post 6 chemo treatments an axillary lymph node dissection. Fir one positive node and radiation recommendations since " in one area my margin was " close" . I do not want the radiation
I Need Advise On If I Should Do Radiation I Am Done With Chemo And Had My Surgey
Yes! I Have Been Reading About Cancer Stem Cells. They Seem To Tolerate Chemo And Can Cause Recurrence? What Can Be Done To Stop Recurrence?
Why Chemo?