What About Neuropathy?
I just finished week 6 (out of 12 weeks)of taxol and Herceptin and my neuropathy seems to be more frequent. It only lasts about a minute and goes away, but it seems to be occurring more often. Has anyone experienced this and does it go away after treatment is done?
My oncologist had me meet with the dietitian and she told me to buy glutamine. Took a teaspoon and a half twice a day for two days before chemo and then five days after and it really helped with the neuropathy, I could tell if I didn't take it I paid the price later. It's just a tasteless white powder you can mix with almost anything.
I found if I swished it around my mouth when I started getting mouth sores it helps get rid of those quicker too.
Oh dear, I sure hope mine keeps getting better, I sure would hate to have my feet feel this way for the rest of time!
I started getting neuropathy about round 8 or 9. Just make sure to let your oncologist know about it. Reason being is there are different degrees of neuropathy stage 1-4... Stage 1-2 are completely reversible , stage 3 partially reversible and stage 4 permanent. Just keep your docs informed. I was stage 2 neuropathy , feet, toes and then slowly started in the arms.,Fortunatley I was able to complete all 12 doses of taxol/herceptin and neuropathy went away completely a few weeks later.
My neuropathy is finally gone pretty much from my fingers but still have numb feet. I finished Taxol in the middle of June 2014.
Does anyone know what percentage of of taxol/Herceptin patients only — no previous treatment — develop neuropathy?
I Am Looking For Women Who Are Taking Anaszole Or Have In The Past.
Has Anyone Used Neuropaway Or Nervive For Neuropathy?
Hand Neuropathy