Stopping Tamoxifen Prior To Surgery
Was anyone told to stop taking Tamoxifen prior to surgery? Was wondering as I have exchange surgery in April and won't see my oncologist until after that.
Tamoxifen can increase risk of blood clots and this was the rationale for my surgeon and oncologist to have me stop taking [[treatment:Tamoxifen:540f562a[[phone:8608758280000445]] 2:]] weeks prior to surgeries. Two weeks following each surgery, I restarted the drug.
@A MyBCTeam Member, you didn't give that information then that makes sense to me. Your oncologist will most likely switch you to Femara because you are surgically in menopause. Exchange surgery normally refers to exchanged tissue expanders for breast implants.
The only time I had to stop Tamoxifen was when I had my total hysterectomy. I stayed on my medication during my reconstruction surgeries.
It depends on the type of surgery. I know if you are having am autologous flap reconstruction (microsurgery) you should stop taking Tamoxifen, but for the placement of expanders or changing them for permanent implants you shouldn't. I had this las one surgery about 4 days ago and I didn't stop taking Tamoxifen but they knew I was taking that med so they could use meds to prevent blood clots on me and so on. Docotrs should know all the meds you're taking.
I was told to stop tamoxifen prior to my exchange surgery because it can cause blood clots. I would check with your surgeon and /or oncologist to be safe.
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