Expander Out, New Implant In And Nipple Sharing Surgery Next Week Any Advice.
Hi all, joined today after seeing a post on facebook. Read a few items and its got me thinking.
Most of you seem very happy to have your expanders out. (I've had mine in for 2 years now).
My breast surgeon didn't want me to have exchange or nipple sharing so I battled to be referred to a plastic surgeon hence the delay.
Nervous about nipple sharing so would be interested for any results (either way). thanks
I had my masectomy 1 month after chemo,expander put in at same time, did radiation 4 months after, waited 7 months and just began reconstruction, had to pull skin from back since not enough in front to expand more, he put another expander and did a filling just over a week ago,he wants to stretch before he does the implant in about 6 months, I trust his recommendations,he does care about putting me back to normal as possible, talking about the nipple too, he also said for having radiation my skin healing better than expected. He wanted to plan spaced out to improve the success and lesson the complications
I just had my expanders put in 2 weeks ago. My PS wants to do 2 more fills and then do the exchange within 3 months during chemo. he wants to do the surgery before I have radiation. he says radiated skin becomes to hard to work with. We decided on no nipples.
Hi its Nipple sharing. They take some of my own nipple and transplant it onto the other breast. My fears are how successful this is? I don't understand how they can get a blood supply to transplanted nipple.
Michelle, you're right it does feel like a coconut! and the port is uncomfortable sometimes a night. Very excited to be getting a new implant x
I also had a nipple sparring mastectomy with implant, I did very well.
Ah. Well, I do know that in cases of breast reduction and skin removal due to extreme weight loss they can perform a free nipple graft-that is, remove completely and reconnect. This would be deemed microsurgery, and as long as your surgeon is well-practiced in this it should be just fine.
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To Women Who Have Tissue Expander Implants...